Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Important & Interesting Facts About Turkey

Turkey (officially the Republic of Turkey) is a Eurasian country that is bordered by eight other countries. Here are some interesting and fun facts about Turkey.
Interesting Facts About Turkey
  • The CIA classifies Turkey as a developed country.
  • The most popular sport in Turkey is soccer (football). The Turkish Football team came third in the 2002 FIFA World Cup. Basketball and volleyball are also popular sports.
  • Noah’s Ark landed on Mount Ararat, which is located in Eastern Turkey.
  • Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey by population, is the only city in the world which is built on two continents (Asia and Europe).
  • Every fit Turkish male is required to serve in the military for some time. This can range from 3 weeks to 15 months, depending on the education of the person.
  • Turkey is divided into 81 different provinces.
  • Over 71 million people live in Turkey.
  • 95% of Turkish people believe that there is a God. 99% of people identify themselves as Muslim.
  • Just under 80% of Turkish women are literate.
  • The average life expectancy is just over 73 years.
  • Over 30 million tourists visited Turkey in 2008.
  • July and August are the driest months in Turkey. May is usually the wettest month.
  • Every Turkish citizen over the age of 18 has the right to vote.
  • In Turkey, you drive on the right hand side of the road.

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