Monday, December 2, 2013

What Do Pigs Eat

Pigs (also called hogs or swine) are animals that have small eyes, a small tail and have a snout for a nose. But what do pigs eat? This post will answer that question, and then look at some interesting facts about pigs.
What do Pigs Eat?
Pigs are omnivores, which means that they eat plants and animals. Pigs eat almost any kind of food, including dead insects, worms, trees, bark, garbage and even dead pigs. In the wild, they forage for their food. They mainly eat leaves, grass, roots, fruits and flowers. So now you know what pigs eat!
Facts About Pigs
  • Pigs do not have sweat glands, so they cool themselves by using water or mud. Mud protects the pigs from flies and other nasty parasites.
  • There are over 2 billion domestic pigs around the world!
  • The Asian pot-bellied pig is kept as a pet.
  • A typical litter of piglets contains 6-12 piglets (baby pigs).
  • Pigs have four toes on each foot. Only the two middle toes (which are larger than the others) are used for walking.
  • Domestic pigs are raised by farmers for their meat (pork) and for leather.
  • Some domestic pigs have escaped from farms and become feral. These pigs cause major damage to the environment as they eat many native plants and grasses.

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